I always praise the writers of Suits for knowing where they want to go with an episode, but every now and then you get a scene where you just know they all got high together and wrote stuff down on a piece of paper. Louis talking about his wood was definitely one. Unfortunately everyone else wasn't having as much fun, being trapped in some kind of shitty scenario.
Mike finally got some information out of Kevin after his terrible approach from last week's episode backfired. Granted Harvey had to help him out, but at least the episode was moving. Kevin is basically between a rock and a hard place. He got set up and is now trapped with every exit hurting him one way or another. I’m glad everything is linking back up but they are dragging this prison Mike story as long as they possibly can. Please let him out. He’s not lawyering enough in there. I watched the show so that he could do lawyer things. I guess going to jail can count as a lawyer thing.
Harvey is at this point the old Mike, taking the approach where anything goes as long as the end justifies the means. He’s even colluding now. His boner for Mike is dictating his terrible decisions and will definitely come back to haunt him. Considering the show got renewed for season 7, they’ll probs save that storyline for then.
Rachel is still doing her project thing. It keeps her busy I guess. There isn’t much to talk about here so I’ll talk about ruthless Jessica instead. The woman is just walking around and single-handedly saving her firm one client at a time. Even though she was a bit of a dick to Rachel (not that anyone really cared), she seems to be the only one actually taking care of the firm while Harvey tries to help and Louis pursues his love life. She is a powerful woman and one of the strongest characters the show has, even if she doesn’t get the most screen time.
Anyway, now to the best part of the episode, Louis and his wood. To have a 2-minute segment of your show dedicated to penis jokes is great. That entire interaction with Louis and Donna, where Donna can’t even keep a straight face is hilarious and easily the best part of the episode. Besides that, Louis had some great luck this week, finally telling Tara how he felt and having her not run away due to the craziness of his plan. Will definitely write that approach down in my notebook for future use. Finally nice to see Louis happy and at peace after so long but I would also like to see him back at the firm, helping out in some way.
Making Tara love my wood is the first step towards making her love me
All in all, a much better episode than last week, with things finally picking up for everyone. I do feel that next week things will slow down again as we deal will the Mike/Harvey conflict (again, like just fucking end it), but maybe it’ll all be worth it for another great Louis moment.