Kirk has daddy issues, Spock still talks about logic and Uhura gets captured by Idris Elba in Justin Lin's space romp.
When news emerged that J.J. Abrams wasn't returning to close out his Star Trek trilogy, everyone freaked out. The nerds rejoiced because they complained (and will always complain) of Abrams' use of Trek's source material, and his choice to make the films more about the action rather than the exploration. Other protesters, myself included, hated the thought of not having Abrams return to the trilogy he started that brought Star Trek to be something that was actually cool.
Fast forward to 2016 and Justin Lin has hopped into the director's chair. After directing Fast and Furious installments 3-6, I felt that Lin's appointment was fair, even if I was still skeptical to see anyone other than Abrams directing Star Trek Beyond.
In the followup to Star Trek Into Darkness, the Enterprise ship is ripped to shreds by unknown enemy forces and the crew is split up. Escaping in pods, the crew crash lands on an unfamiliar planet and are forced to make new allies to survive and destroy this film's bad guy (Idris Elba).
This second trailer does a great job of showcasing the character traits that have made this Enterprise crew so compelling, from brief snippets of Bones and Spock talking about death to Kirk reflecting on why he joined Star Fleet.
As for the big bad Idris Elba, I'm pretty unexcited. Every Star Trek film thus far has had one bad guy at the end of the road so it's a familiar trope. As long as Elba's character is fleshed out and he's a good villain I'm down.
I'm so ugly.
In 2016, there are too many blockbusters to count. But as the number of bodies piles up through the year, Star Trek Beyond will be on my list come July. The compelling journey of the characters and some of the visual mayhem of these shots is spectacularly awe inducing so I can't wait to grab my popcorn.
Chris Pine looks hella sexy in this trailer. His dark navy jacket with gold highlights on the shoulders is a jacket I would buy to be the cool uncle at my niece's birthday party.
Idris Elba's alien counterpart gives me goosebumps all over and Uhura being captured is the least exciting thing.
Protect the women and children!