The newest entry into DICE's 'Battlefield' series tackles one of the biggest moments in human history: WWI. The question is; will 'Battlefield 1' or 'Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare' come out on top in 2016?
'Battlefield 1' may not be the greatest representation of one of history's biggest conflicts, but that doesn't matter. Just because I studied Modern History in high school and know a bit about the Schlieffen Plan, going-over-the-top and everything in between, doesn't mean I can't enjoy something fantastic.
The scale of this game is immense and it looks beautiful. Who wouldn't want to drive a tank or pilot a plane into enemy territory?
With over 1 million likes on YouTube, 'Battlefield 1' is already in one of the Top 250 most liked videos of ALL TIME. Meanwhile its primary rival, 'Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare' is one of the most disliked of all time.
Will likes translate to a measure of sales? I can't wait to find out.
Everything looks so nice from high in the sky.